Thursday, September 2, 2010

What do the artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans?

   What do the artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans?
        They tell us how long they lived, when they lived and how they looked like, not only that but even what they ate and even how they hunted. They left behind spear thrower's and rocks. They used rocks to grind things to make colors and later to draw on the cave walls.
             Some artifacts were found in pits, they were mostly burnt animal bones which makes one thing very clear, they used fire and mastered it. It probably started by a lighting bolt hitting dried things that were flammable. With fire they learned how to cook raw meat, with this ability the early humans became upright like us. 
                                                      Fun Fact: If you take all of the fossils from early humans found today it would only fit in a pick up truck!

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