Monday, September 13, 2010

A Time Where I Showed Courage

                There haven't been to many times I have showed courage but I will tell you one. The day this happened was quite funny, when I lived in India me and all of my friends slept-over a lot because there was nothing to do. So one day we decided to go outside and play a little bit of soccer, in the middle of the game and someone kicked the ball into the basements (We lived in apartments and there were two basements). All of us were tired and no one wanted to get the ball becuase of stray dogs, one of my friends agree and he goes down to the basement to retrieve the ball, in two minutes he came running back without the ball and a dog was chasing him! We ran into the main enterance which luckily had gaurds inside, everybody was crazy scared and bored. In a few seconds I said that I will go and retrieve the soccer ball. I walked slowly and carefully so that the dog won't see me, unfortunly some dog saw me and chased me down to the basements. This time it was a different dog and luck struck me like lighting, the dog was a little bit injured. It  ran a little bit slower than me. As I saw the slope leading deeper I knew that I was going towards the second basement. At that point I looked up and saw all of my friends screaming "RUN FASTER DUDE" (We always used the term dude for some reason). I saw the ball now but knew I was not allowed to slow down, I was sweating mad and my tummy started to hurt. Finally I needed to bend over while running to get the ball off the ground, from that point on every thing was twice as bad. I don't even want to describe it, all I can say is that we started to play soccer again. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What do the artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans?

   What do the artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans?
        They tell us how long they lived, when they lived and how they looked like, not only that but even what they ate and even how they hunted. They left behind spear thrower's and rocks. They used rocks to grind things to make colors and later to draw on the cave walls.
             Some artifacts were found in pits, they were mostly burnt animal bones which makes one thing very clear, they used fire and mastered it. It probably started by a lighting bolt hitting dried things that were flammable. With fire they learned how to cook raw meat, with this ability the early humans became upright like us. 
                                                      Fun Fact: If you take all of the fossils from early humans found today it would only fit in a pick up truck!