My name is Pavel Andreev. People usually call me Pasha because its the shorter version in Russian. Many people are amazed at where I come from because I am basically the only one from Russia in school.
I like to watch hockey and basketball, strangely enough though I don't like to play hockey. Yeah so I like to play soccer and basketball, I love swimming as well. I don't have a favorite book because there are to many books, but my favorites are "Fortress by the Sea", "Indian in the Cupboard", "Street Child" and "The Three Musketeers". I like video games like Tony Hawk's Project Eight. I love my family and my country but of course almost everyone loves these.
I would like to share a couple of adjectives about myself: I am optimistic because whenever there is something bad going on in the classroom I always find the bright side of it. I am funny because I always make jokes out of things. I am hard working because I give my best shot at everything I trie it just doesn't look like it.
I have a very simple goal for the year, try hard and get far! I hope that every student has a great year cause I know i will! =)